Montes Family - Natural - Organic Microlot

Quantity Available



Perene, Chanchamayo, Junin




Bourbon, Catimor, Caturra



SCA Score


Flavour Profiles

Vanilla, Caramel, Mandarin

Harvest Period

June - August 2022



About this Coffee

Who are the Montes Family?

The Montes family is a father, mother and daughters-in-law, who work in family unity. The family migrated from Andahuaylas - Apurimac, a region in Peru, due to extreme poverty in their Andean communities and decided to migrate to the jungle to cultivate coffee. They have been working with coffee since the 1960s and work with Bourbon, Caturra, and Catimor, and have recently started with Geisha.

Where is their farm?

They are located in the community of Miguel Grau of the Satinaki basin - Perené district, at an altitude of 1800 meters above sea level. The family group is called Montes. They currently deliver only to Coopchebi since their cooperative does not purchase specialty coffees.

How was the coffee processed?

The coffee is a natural coffee where only ripe red cherries are harvested and then floated in clean water to separate brocades. It is then dried under solar dryer on pallets for more than 18 days and stored in Grainpro bags to avoid deterioration of quality.


It is not washed in any way and dries in a very delicate, artisanal way. They only use cow and guinea pig manure for fertiliser. The whole family has approximately 15 hectares with an average of 10,350 kilos of green coffee, roughly 150 exportable 69kg bags per year.

What the Montes family wants you to know

The Montes family learned about new technologies, organic production, varieties, organic and fair trade certification from Felix Marín when he was a manager and advisor to CAC Florida (a cooperative). The coffee is collected in Carezo Maduro, and Coopchebi processes it. In the case of the Montes family, they now process it on their farm in a very responsible way. Most of their coffee is exported through Coopchebi.

The role of Coopchebi for this coffee

Coopchebi currently has 149 partners in 13 coffee communities. They manage the quality and standard of living together with the local authorities and contribute to fair trade. The family's coffee has an impact since this natural coffee allows them to start producing more, as well as other predecessor coffees like honey processes.

How does Khipu know the producer?

We met Felix Marin at Ficafe (Annual Coffee Conference) in October 2022. We were impressed by the range and quality of their coffees and decided to visit them when we went to Villa Rica. They gave us a tour around the Cooperatives washing station and we did a cupping of their available coffees. This coffee being one of those that were cupped.

Frequently Asked Questions

Green Coffee Sourcing

Yes we can. If you know what Peruvian Coffees you want to source, we can provide a logistics only service.

For more information about this service and how it works, including financing, email

Yes, we can help you plan and organise your coffee origin trip in Peru.

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