Marin Family - Black Honey Geisha - Nanolot

Quantity Available

x3 20KG


Alto Yurinaqui, Perene, Chanchamayo, Junin






Black Honey (Double Fermentation, Extended Fermentation)

SCA Score


Flavour Profiles

Caramel, Tangerine, Black Tea

Harvest Period

June - August 2023



About this Coffee

Who are the Marin Family?

Felix Marín and Family (his wife, two daughters, and a son) are the founders of Coopchebi, an agricultural cooperative located in the Inka forests (Chanchamayo). They only produce Geisha coffee and are currently investigating new varieties, including Decafe Geisha that is tolerant to La Roya (leaf rust).


Felix Marin's family has been in the coffee business since the 1960s, and he became the first exporter of organic and fair-trade coffee in Peru after managing to change the law for deliberate export.

About their family farm

The coffee is grown in Alto Yurinaqui, Perene, Chanchamayo, on the Geisha mountain. The farm is approximately 11 hectares of Geisha coffee that was renewed with dwarf Gesihas. The family selects only dwarf varieties tolerant to leaf rust from the 12 different genotypes they have in the farm. The farm has an average productivity of 552 kilos per hectare, which is low but results in high-quality coffee. This averages around 88 exportable 69kg bags per year.

How was the coffee processed?

The coffee is harvested only when the cherry is mature and then fermented for three days in a temprature controlled metal tank. It is then subjected to a second ferment on beds covered with a dark mesh sheet for three days in a dark room. From there, it passes to the dryer on beds for 15 days under a dark atmosphere, and finally, it is dried under a solar roof for another 10 days until it is dry. This process can take up to 40 days, depending on the climate. Afterwards, it is processed and stored in Grainpro bags until shipment.


The coffee is grown using only island guano (bird poo), dolomites and decomposed coffee pulp as fertilisers. Felix Marin is an agronomist and has worked on improving productive technologies and coffee processes.


The role Coopchebi plays in this coffee

The family only delivers this coffee to Coopchebi where the Black Honey process is carried out. Coopchebi currently has 149 members who meet by delegates twice a year, and the cooperative has principles of conserving forests and the environment. As president of the National CAFE platform, Felix Marin has helped coffee growers and partners to access credit at an annual rate of 3.5%, as opposed to the 40% rate given by private banking.


The cooperative also provides support for the development of communities in health, education, and emergency support. The family's migration story from the Andean region of Cajamarca to the high jungle of Santa Herminia Palomar is similar to many others who migrated to the jungle to cultivate coffee.


Coopchebi is a cooperative that helps farmers improve their quality by touring the process chain that each type of coffee receives. The cooperative's principles of solidarity help and cooperative conservation of forests and the environment have had a great impact nationally, with other cooperatives copying their system.

How does Khipu Coffee know the producer?

We met Felix Marin at Ficafe (Annual Coffee Conference) in October 2022. We were impressed by the range and quality of their coffees and decided to visit them when we went to Villa Rica. They gave us a tour around the Cooperatives washing station and we did a cupping of their available coffees. This coffee being one of those that were cupped.

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Green Coffee Sourcing

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