Finca El Corazon - Carloman Carranza - Microlot

Quantity Available



Gracias a Dios, Lonya Grande, Amazonas


1600 - 1800m


Bourbon, Marsellesa, Pache



SCA Score


Flavour Profiles

Harvest Period

June - August



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About this Coffee

Who is Carloman Carranza?

Carloman Carranza Montenegro is the brother of Ronal Carranza, the General Manager at All Coffee Peru where this coffee was sourced from.

They have grown together as coffee producers and have been manging their family farms for years. Carloman has been involved in coffee cultivation his whole life, and the past 20 years have been a period of improvement and greater control.

In 2021, they founded the All Coffee Peru cooperative and embarked on an adventure of promoting and exporting their coffees.

About Finca El Corazon

The farm is located in the community of Gracias a Dios, Lonya Grande province and in the region of Utcubamba - Amazonas. Carloman named his farm "El Corazon" (The Heart) in honor of the passion they have put into it.


The farm has 5 hectares, of which 3 hectares are currently cultivated. The coffee variety is mostly Bourbon, with lesser amounts of Marsellesa and Pache. The coffee is organic and Carloman uses island guano (bird poo) and coffee pulp compost as fertilisers.

How was the coffee processed?

When it comes to processing the coffee, Carloman is meticulous about his selective harvest and has conducted numerous experiments with different fermentation methods.


The cherries are carefully handpicked and then floated in cool, clean water to eliminate any low-density cherries. After the coffee is washed and sorted, the cherries are left in a water tank for 8 hours until the water is fully drained, following which they are fermented in another tank for 72 hours to break down the exterior pulp.


The coffee is then transferred to a solar dryer where it remains until the moisture content reaches 11%, a process that takes around 20-25 days. During this time, Carloman takes great care to move the coffee every two hours for the first four days, followed by every four hours.


The harvest produces approximately 5750 kilos of coffee in parchment. Roughly around 70 exportable 69kg bags per year.


What the Carloman wants you to know

Carloman is proud of this special sale because he sees that his microlots are being better valued and appreciated.


How does Khipu know the producer?

We met and cupped with Ronal Carranza, Carolmans brother in Jaen in November 2022. The coooperative, All Coffee Peru are a coffee family first and foremost. They started as a family business in 2021 and have now grown to include 30 families with over 20 years of experience in coffee production.


The company's technical assistants take care of the coffee processing in Jaen, the main commercial coffee city in Cajamarca and also in Chiclayo, another city in the North of Peru.


The coffee is processed according to each orders and varies in screen sizes between 14/15.


About All Coffee Peru

They have alliances with recognised processors such as the North Selva Café and Norcafe and are well respected in Peru for being able to export high quality coffees. They have nanolots, microlots and community lots available with good volume. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Green Coffee Sourcing

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